<p>Minecraft player's 35-hour gaming marathon By Zoe Kleinman Technology reporter BBC News
<p>12 October 2015
<p>A British man hopes to have broken the record of the world for the longest game played continuously in Minecraft.
<p>Joe Kelly, of Cheltenham Joe Kelly from Cheltenham played for 35 hours, 35 minutes and 35 seconds, bringing in PS1,800 to fund cancer research.
<p>Martin Fornleitner, Austria, set the current record of 24 hours and 10 minutes in 2011.
<p>Minecraft is about building structures with blocks, exploring new worlds and taking part in combat.
<p>The title has sold more than 54 million copies in the world.
<p>Microsoft purchased Mojang, the studio behind it for $2.5bn (PS1.5bn) last year.
<p>Mr Kelly who owns an entertainment company and is a voice actor has been playing the game since it was launched in the year 2010. He typically plays for only a few hours a week.
<p>He told BBC that he was able to stay awake and alert without caffeine, and it wasn't too difficult.
<p>"There were no stimulants other than sugar and stubbornness."
<p>Mr Kelly, who live streamed the entire match on YouTube and added that the incident took its toll on his hands.
<p>"My back and shoulders weren't hurting, nor did my shoulders hurt. The most painful thing was my fingers.
<p>"They hurt so much just from holding the mouse and keyboard and clenching their fists for this long.
<p>"Every tiny break I took I was moving my fingers."
<p>Mr Kelly and his girlfriend, Sarah Vallance, are currently working on sending the evidence of their feat to Guinness World Records.
<p>He has no plans to rest from the game.
<p>He said, "I introduced my girlfriend Minecraft and we play a lot together." https://safeminecraftmods.com/ </p>
<p>"It's something we enjoy doing together. I'm not averse to gaming."
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