<p></p><h1>The Ultimate Minecraft Quiz Questions</h1><h2>Do you know the difference between your Endermen and your Creepers? Find out with this massive Minecraft quiz! https://www.stockalicious.com/ </h2> Are you a Minecraft trivia expert? These Minecraft trivia questions will test your knowledge.
<p>You can do it!
<p><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/uploads/legacy/78007_Purpleenderman.png?strip=all&amp;quality=86&amp;w=887" style="max-width: 450px;"> Endermen can be damaged in many ways. Which of these has been made up?
<p>How do you create an enormous chest?
<p>How many iron ore blocks are needed to make one iron ingot
<p>What do Creepers afraid of?
<p>What can you do to prevent an Enderman from attacking you?
<p>How is the Charged Creeper made?
<p>Which console is best for playing Minecraft?
<p>Who is the Endermen's leader?
<p><img src="https://www.beano.</wordaidoc><br/></p> com/wp-content/uploads/legacy/18068_CvvOoHNWIAAPfOq.jpg?strip=all&amp;quality=86&amp;w=887" style="max-width: 450px;"> How do you make obsidian?
</p><p>How tall is a Ghast (not including its tentacles).
<p>What can you do with rotten flesh?
<p>How many people play Minecraft every month?
<p>What is the best material for building complicated machines?
<p>Which mob will you fight at the final?
<p>Pigs drop pork chops, skeletons drop bone. What do zombies lose?
<p>16/20 16/20 Minecraft world is huge, and is made out of trillions and trillions ad blocks. If the MInecraft world was real, how big would it be?
<p><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/themes/beano/assets/images/icon--plain-tick.</wordaidoc><br/></p> svg" style="max-width: 450px;">
<img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/themes/beano/assets/images/icon--plain-tick.svg" style="max-width: 450px;">
What vegetable can you use to make a potion of night vision?
</p><p>Which of these Youtubers plays Minecraft?
<p>Which animal from the real world was used to make the Ghast sound effects?
<p>In which country do they allow you play Minecraft in the classroom?
<p><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/themes/beano/assets/images/icon--plain-tick.svg" style="max-width: 450px;"><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/themes/beano/assets/images/icon--plain-tick.svg" style="max-width: 450px;"><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/themes/beano/assets/images/icon--plain-tick.svg" style="max-width: 450px;"><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/themes/beano/assets/images/icon--plain-tick.svg" style="max-width: 450px;"></p><h3></h3>Ah. This is awkward. Have you ever played Minecraft before?
<p></p><h3></h3>It's not bad. There is always the possibility of improvement!
<p></p><h3></h3>Nice work! You know your stuff!
<p></p><h3></h3>Woah! Minecraft expert!
<p></p><h3></h3>Incredible! You're a Minecraft expert!
<p><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/PEAK-22-Display-Ad-Personalised-Comic-SearchFind-COM-728x90-1.png" style="max-width: 450px;"><img src="https://www.beano.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/PEAK-22-Display-Ad-Shop-COM-300x250-1.png" style="max-width: 450px;"><strong>Quiz Writer: Beano Quiz Team!</strong>
<p>The Beano Quiz team love writing quizzes which range from Emoji Quizzes, Personality Quizzes Trivia Quizzes to Animal Quizzes. If you like it we've probably written an exam on it!
<p>Are you a Minecraft fan? Are you a Minecraft fan Do you like spending time with your mob and adding cool items to your collection, and modding skins? This is the test for you!
<p>And if you prefer to watch more Minecraft on YouTube? Test yourself on the block-loving sites TommyInnit, DanTDM and PrestonPlayz. Take this quiz to show your friends that you are the top brain-blocker around!
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