<p>Mojang's breakout smash Minecraft took second place in Google's list of the top YouTube search queries of 2014. It was ranked just behind "music" in terms of the frequency of searches.
<p>According to Google, "Minecraft" was most frequently searched on YouTube in 2014 than "movies". PewDiePie, a gaming personality was also among the most searched for terms on YouTube in 2014. This was due to queries for Disney's Frozen as well as musicians Drake and Beyonce.
<p>Google reports that user searches and engagement for gaming-related content are increasing rapidly even though a majority of users don't necessarily identify as gamers. https://coderwall.com/p/imw0za/three-quick-and-easy-methods-to-learn-be-taught-and-study-minecraft-027d08d1-9a75-4037-b6c7-916dfa0c64e1 YouTube videos from the "Gaming" category topped the service's Top 10 Trending list on a variety of days in October of 2014.
<p>According to the report, an Google Consumer Survey was conducted in October 2014, among those who claimed to have watched gaming videos on YouTube. It revealed that only 37% of respondents considered themselves gamers. "When asked why they watched gaming videos, viewers mentioned entertainment and humor as well as learning new strategies or tips.
<p>The report continues: "We also wanted out the reasons why people watched videos from creators such as SkyDoesMinecraft and PewDiePie. Many of them replied"because they're hilarious! Some even have compared these videos to stand-up comedy. A young gaming creator sums the interest in the video with the following analogy: "You don't have to play soccer to watch it on TV.'"
<p>[Image: Google]
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