For a man of modest build, Upchurch the Redneck has garnered plenty of attention from his fans and the mainstream music industry. He is known for his quirky sense of humor, and the YouTube videos he posts. During his peak, he had 2.5 million subscribers. He has had several long-term relationships but never married. One of these is the one he has been with for more than a year. His former fiancA(c),e is a singer.

Upchurch is yet to release a Platinum album but has released many singles and EPs. He also began to explore other types of music, such as country and pop. makes him a versatile performer. Creeker II, his most recent album, won the competition in the first quarter of 2011. On top of that, he has been on the promotional circuit of late and is likely to release more albums in the near future. If he keeps to the traditional model, he will reach his $4 million net wealth goal by the end the decade. With this much cash, you can bet he will stay in the entertainment field for many years. He also has responsibilities as a father and husband, as well as being a booze hound.

Despite being a tad on the short side, Upchurch has the wits and the wallet to back it up. It is notable that his most well-known albums have sold in the hundreds, or even thousands. And with the economy still in shambles, he can expect to keep the cash in his pocket for a while.

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