Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this<a href="http://iginanpgt.com"> aapeprs</a> to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.- David What it takes was such a good song played last night, and what a suprirse! usually i listen to the songs and enjoy them, but last night while listening when about to go to sleep, this song came on, and made me want to get up and dance! Who is he? is he signed? tell me more information about him please 107.1! I downloaded his album off itunes, and OH MY GOD, he is unbelievable! play more songs from him please! maybe an hour dedicated to him??? i hope so! http://cmkabq.com [url=http://fdxylvqed.com]fdxylvqed[/url] [link=http://rsouxw.com]rsouxw[/link]